Saturday, October 31, 2009

On your mark... get set... go!

So today is Halloween, the perfect day to enjoy the last of sugary foods so I can get back on track tomorrow with exercising and eating right!

I still have one more month of paid membership at the local gym which I plan on taking full advantage of! I don't know what happened... once I found out I wasn't going into the military anymore my determination to workout and eat right went out the window... it's been horrible! When I eat junk, I feel like junk... it's only 3:42 pm and the only think of nutrional value that I've consumed today was half a banana, a couple of glasses of water and some milk. Everything else was homemade chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter sandwiches, and some Goldfish crackers.

That's disgusting... I feel nauseated just thinking about it. A diet like that leaves me feeling short of energy, lazy, unconfident and fat...

I am ready for a change! Lets get it together... who is with me?! On your mark... get set... go!